Got an assignment to do some character designs for an English language project that is to be released later this year in Spain. Still waiting to hear the details....
James Horvath is a children’s illustrator with over 15 years of experience. He graduated “Looney Tunes Luada” from the school of Saturday Morning Cartoons, and received his Masters degree in adolescent time-wasting from the University of Marvel Comics.
When not scratching and scribbling at his drawing table, he plays with his two young sons and wife, bangs around on the banjo, surfs and generally has a lot of fun. His children are following closely in his footsteps. Both are currently enrolled in the school of “on line cartoonery”, studying Hanna Barbera 101 and “Who is this Pink Panther cat, and why is he so dang cool!”
His quirky and odd collection of award-winning characters hop and grunt across the pages of books, magazines, brochures and the shelves of retail stores. They’ve also been known to pop up bug-eyed and bewildered between the pixels of internet pages everywhere.
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