Friday, June 26, 2009

Why a blog?

Here's more of my latest work.

Aside from the fact that I really have no reason to build or update a blog. And that nobody actually spends any time reading this. It's just more stuff to worry about keeping updated. 

If my blog is current, then you'll know I don't have enough work to do. Maybe next week I'll go do some Twits or Tweets or whatever the latest fad is. 

This post is only a test...


  1. That's hillarious, soo the way I feel haha, but yet, I still update all my accounts semi-religiously hahahaha.

  2. must be bored or don't have enough work! I can't keep up with all this twittering
    and tweeting and's too many things to if we don't already have enough stuff going on. By the way...I did turn down that book was just too much work for not enough $$$$ and I don't think I could have gotten it done by the deadline. talk to ya latas.....
